Hot Photos of Aruna Shields from Bollywood Movie Mr Singh Mrs Mehta - She enjoyed her debut movie with unique story.jpg
Mr Singh Mrs Mehta IS full of Love Their guilt is mitigated only by the fact that they are returning to their cheating spouses. Neera can even draw a naked Ashwin it. During this time, both Sakhi and Karan are not aware of it. However, when Neera Ashwin says he hopes he becomes a great artist and even more successful than Karan, Ashwin explodes and tells him that only the achievement of Karan is that he is sleeping with Sakhi. Since Ashwin is doing the same thing with Neera, who has already installed a score. Hurt by those words, Neera leaves him. Contact between Ashwin and Neera breaks. One day, Neera comes to break with him, saying that their relationship can not go anywhere and it has to end some day. A broken heart Ashwin comes home, waiting only to find Sakhi. Sakhi seems very happy. She shows Ashwin and Neera bare tells him that she liked the painting. Sakhi, who has no idea of the story behind the painting, has suddenly warmed to the idea of having a baby. Ashwin decides to give him a second chance of their married life. One day, Neera and Karan are walking through an exhibition where Karan was surprised to see naked Neera was made by Ashwin. Neera walking quietly in the exhibition and is facing a pregnant Sakhi shown standing next to the painting. Neera Sakhi recognizes and understands the situation. Both Karan and Sakhi are surprised to see each other. Ashwin and Sakhi still live happy, while Neera calls it quits with Karan and moves out of the house of Karan.